High school girl want a daddy in fanvue. Www.fanvue.com/miafong

High school girl want a daddy in fanvue. Www.fanvue.com/miafong

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2 thoughts on “High school girl want a daddy in fanvue. Www.fanvue.com/miafong

  1. They lock your account as soon as you start making money! Don’t waste your time with Fanvue! (www.fanvue.com) u/fanvue

    Here´s my review:

    After one month on the Fanvue platform and making $1,000, Fanvue decided to restrict my account, preventing me from withdrawing the money. After the initial contact to resolve the situation, they stopped responding. Despite my persistence through the platform’s chat, they deactivated the chat feature for me (it gave an error whenever I tried to access it). Numerous emails to support went unanswered. The only place I managed to have some contact was on Twitter, where they responded but always redirected me to support. I was repeatedly told that support would contact me the same day… which never happened except for the last time when they emailed me to inform that my account had been banned… without providing concrete and valid explanations! I tried to cooperate, but the same did not happen on their end. After banning my account (I lost access), I found that the account still exists, but I simply can’t access it. My subscribers continue to pay. I’ve asked for refunds to be issued to them (and was told it would be done), but it hasn’t happened! Fanvue still has my page active, but I can’t access it and earn money from my subscribers’ subscriptions! I’ve sent several emails requesting refunds for them and received no response! This was my terrible experience with Fanvue, and after this, I had several models contacting me because they experienced the same!

    I do not recommend this platform at all!

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