Fuck it, 29, I’m bored. Tell me your favourite chat up line or fun fact?

Fuck it, 29, I’m bored. Tell me your favourite chat up line or fun fact?

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27 thoughts on “Fuck it, 29, I’m bored. Tell me your favourite chat up line or fun fact?

  1. There is a ceratopsian named Lokiceratops because the horns on the top of its frill curl like Loki’s helmet and it is believed that it lived with it’s cousins that are apart of the Loki family

  2. I don’t have any lines, but I do love animals and science. I guess the most interesting fun fact that I have is that scientists have witnessed a once in a billion years event. They discovered a deep sea bacteria that consumed another bacteria that produces nitrogen. But instead of breaking it down and absorbing it, it’s giving it protection instead. Just like how a long time ago, our cells once housed the mitochondria and now it gives us energy. This could be a bookmark into very unique life in the next billion years or less!

  3. Because of the speed that light travels to reach us, when you look through a telescope at a distant system or galaxy you’re actually looking into the past as it was millions of years ago and not as it is now

  4. Fun fact: Did you know that the Three Musketeers got its name because it originally had three different flavors, chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry that’s where the name the three musketeers came from

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