Freaky Fridays 😎

Freaky Fridays 😎

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4 thoughts on “Freaky Fridays 😎

  1. 🤦‍♂️🔥🥵🫶

    Emma If I was a younger, less responsible man. I would throw all caution to the wind and empty out my pockets for you…

    You’re the only Women I’ve seen with an OF that’s made me even think about giving a peice of myself to .(Through the money I’ve made off the sweat of my brow)

    However I find you to be kind and very intriguing thus far. Not only for your beauty. But also as a classy mom and grandmother. I’m sure you actually appreciate the ❤️ and money. People who appreciate you for your Beauty give.

    I’ve bin in a rough spot this year so far. I Just started working for myself doing handyman work. It’s bin a slow start. it’s not bin easy. However I’m the boss of me. That’s what I need even if it means less at first.

    “ One of these nights pretty mama,
    we’re going to find out
    what turns on your lights “

    “I swear I’m going to find you one of the crazy crazy old nights”

    It’s going to be just me and you on OF. I don’t wanna share you when it’s my time…


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