What is the thing that turns you on the most about a mom bod

What is the thing that turns you on the most about a mom bod

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6 thoughts on “What is the thing that turns you on the most about a mom bod

  1. Everything. Curvier hips, bigger boobs, soft mommy tummy, larger behind, plumper thighs, experience and proven fertility. Plus I love a woman who can nurture. Moms are the best girlfriends. 

  2. Seeing how every curve and dip on your body had a story on the road map to your perfection Happy Thursday queen Hope you have a great day queen you’re absolutely stunning and keep absolutely killing it !😍🤩

  3. Tiger strips and cellulite! Some men think a woman’s body needs to be perfect. Let me see what it’s done and I’ll show you how I’ll pay it back and worship every flaw and piece of you.

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