In need of a good draining 😳

In need of a good draining 😳

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11 thoughts on “In need of a good draining 😳

  1. All day all night – left or right
    It does not matter to me
    I want it all you will see
    Soft suck soft lick 👅
    Just can’t resist them as soft as silk …
    GOT MILK !?

    Gimme some more and more
    I just adore the taste the fill of my cup
    I don’t wanna stop … all the time
    Make it all mine … that sweet fine wine 🍷
    So true that’s coming from you

  2. Inspired: by red_white_and_nude
    Bleary eyes. Frantically jostled awake.
    You barely register her moving to sit astride.
    “Oh. Yeah. Riggghhhht there.”
    Clarity arrives as lips press against head.
    Reality explodes as nerves alight unprepared.
    Swallowed whole. Devoured in an instant.
    The little squirm, the little grind, and a mirthful giggle.
    The sensation becomes clearer.
    Up, down, and in, out. Wet sucking lips.
    Too greedy to want to let go.
    “I need it. Fucking give it to me. Isn’t it mine?”
    The press, the little grind at full depth.
    It was as impatient as her words.
    You feel the tension build in your loins.
    Apparently you aren’t going to get a say.
    The building urgency and clenching of muscles.
    One crystal clear “Oh fuck!”
    What was soft, warm, and moist…
    Suddenly becomes a velvet convulsing vice.
    Resistances penetrated as deeply as she is.
    You know nothing. The pulsing release
    Holds you with each spasmodic contraction.
    You feel it pour out you into that greedy mouth.
    The kiss at the tip tells you it’s all going where intended.
    One…Two… Three…Four…five. It gives out.
    Your awareness bleeds back into reality.
    You look at the barely aware owner of the greedy lips.
    You stare at the full round belly.
    You feel the steady drip drip drip as her swollen tips
    Leak all over you in auto lactation.
    “This would be more fruitful if you weren’t already…”
    Cut off.
    “Shhhhhhhhhh. I need you ready for next time.”
    She dismounts dripping more than milk on you.
    “Time to clean up, and I think you need more practice.”

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