I have this illness called uncontrallable horniness

I have this illness called uncontrallable horniness

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32 thoughts on “I have this illness called uncontrallable horniness

  1. Don’t know how old you are but at 63 my pecker is the same size it has always been… Perhaps a bit girthier than when 20 (standard condoms used to fit fine .. Had to switch to Magnum a few years back because standard felt tight), but same length as far as I can tell.

  2. I was 10 the first time I saw a tit in public. Woman bent over with a loose shirt similar to that and her whole tiddy fell out. I was like a deer in head lights, caught with my jaw dropped and eyes wide, just staring at it. Then my dad nudged me and said, “yeah, that’s a nice one isn’t it son” and then went and got a hot wheels car.

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