Granny Makes Me Plow Her Pussy To Keep Her Mouth Shut

Granny Makes Me Plow Her Pussy To Keep Her Mouth Shut

Granny Makes Me Plow Her Pussy To Keep Her Mouth Shut
byu/TabooEmpire inGramsGotGame

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9 thoughts on “Granny Makes Me Plow Her Pussy To Keep Her Mouth Shut

  1. His neighbor asked me to take his grandmother out
    What happened to her husband died about 5 years ago and she been enjoying other guys for most of that time

    Oh I didn’t find out about this later till later but it turns out the guys had been f****** her and they’re making jokes about this horny b**** and they said to her this these are pity fucks

    I’m taking her out and I was showing around in the park and finally she says that well can you just f****** for a while I don’t mind you if you really don’t want to but I’m horny as heck

    And I told her straight out I love f****** women your age as far as I’m concerned I would love to stay in your p**** for 2 or 3 hours a day so he’s actually in the park and she was sitting in my lap and I have my cock in her p**** and her grandson came up and was talking with her and finally she had a orgasm right in front of her grandson in the grandson said Grandma is something wrong and she said heck no I just had an orgasm and that is great

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